The Hoffman Chronicles, Chapter 29: Aloha Means “I Love You”

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It’s lunchtime, dear listener, and our heroes have successfully thrown a birthday party for Loro McMorgan, the most popular goblin on the sales floor. With victory in their hearts and Hawaiian food in their stomaches they take the lunch break to do some adventuring on their own. Agnes, with some supernatural help and Tory in tow, sets out to deliver a reminder of happier times to Mama Storybrook, only to find the past is a prickly subject for the menacing matriarch. Stuart takes a trip to Gemstone Designs to deliver Pam’s letter, but finds a horde of designer kobolds and an eerie security kiosk in his way. Finally, Maxwell meets with the mysterious voice from the hotline, only to find that the Cult of the Blue Eye has more than sushi waiting for him for lunch. Oh, I almost forgot Gerbbi! Gerbbi does his Gerbbi thing.

In This Episode:

  • Stuart is now Stu-Bucket

  • Tory takes three cookies

  • Gerbbi does his Gerbbi thing

  • Agnes makes awkward small talk with a ghost

  • And Maxwell hates how much he cares