Childcare Services

EduCare Connections

EduCare Connections

EduCare Connections is a wonderful idea to pool all our resources and create a space of sharing and support. EduCare Connections is, at its core, all about accessible, equitable education and childcare solutions. One of the best ways to help right now is to donate and ask others to as well! We're all in this together! Let's be the helpers!

Episode 72 - Why the International Nanny Association is for YOU!

Episode 72 - Why the International Nanny Association is for YOU!

The International Nanny Association is a wonderful resource for nannies all over the world! According to their website, "INA’s mission is to serve as the umbrella association for the in-home, child care industry by providing information, education, and guidance to the public and to industry professionals." This week, Marcia Hall, the President of the INA, joins us to talk about how the International Nanny Association benefits YOU! From town halls to discounts to work agreements to networking, the INA is a wonderful place to become the best nanny you can be!

Episode 60 - Via the Village

Episode 60 - Via the Village

We say frequently that it takes a village to raise a child and, as nannies, we know that's true! This week I have guest Kimberley Roberts Benakovich on to discuss Via the Village. Via the Village is a new web platform under design and development that will allow for families to come together to build their own personalized villages within their local community to find safe, reliable childcare services through their trusted connections. To learn more, listen to the episode! I'm so excited to see this platform take off, and you can help!