Book Recommendations

Way Past Books with Hallee Adelman

Way Past Books with Hallee Adelman

This week is an author interview for the ages! Hallee Adelman joins us to talk about her amazing "Way Past" series that's all about feelings! These books have been really popular with every kid I've read them with and are such a great springboard for conversations about feelings! You'll hear the delight in our voices as we discuss methods for working with kids on expressing and working through their feelings!

Generation Nanny

Generation Nanny

Audrey Brazeel, author of Generation Nanny, sits down with us to discuss her book and nannying in general. You all are in for a special treat because this conversation covers so many subjects and how they each relate to nannying! Grab a glass of wine, mug of tea, or sparkling water and come join the conversation!

Strong Kids

Strong Kids

Jennifer Keitt joins us this week to talk about her book #StrongKids. This practical, colorful, fun book will help children, ages 3-6, learn the social and emotional skills involved in understanding their thoughts and feelings. #StrongKids helps children take back their power in order to "turn things around" when their thoughts try to bring them down.

Episode 47 - Lying

Episode 47 - Lying

Did you know that when a child first begins to lie it's actually a developmental milestone? From little fibs to invisible friends to be huge lies, this episode will help you navigate all the different ways we interact with lies as a nanny. Cady Leinicke is my guest and, as always, she brings a wealth of knowledge and book recommendations to this episode! If lying is something you're struggling with in your nanny family, this episode is sure to help!

Episode 32 - Nannying for Girls

Episode 32 - Nannying for Girls

Sugar and spice and everything nice? Any nanny who has nannied for two or more girls knows that little ladies bring an energy that's all their own! Taryn Pryor is back to talk about ways to tailor your nannying for girls! From fun science experiments to book recommendations to how to build self confidence, Taryn covers it all!